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Get a signed copy of my book, Be the Lion. 


Why are some people able to do so much? Why do some people succeed over and over again while others always struggle? 
Success isn’t an accident, it’s not some random luck of the draw. There’s a very predictable path to success and achievement. It’s been proven over and over again. There's a process, a proven process for success and achievement. That's why I wrote Be the Lion to share that process.
I’m not a motivational speaker, coach or personal development guru. I’m a talk show host. But I’ve always been a student of personal development training and information in my own life, because I’ve always wanted to get ahead to succeed. On the podcast I’ve always shared little pieces of information and the response to that is always amazing. 

I see how people struggle and if I have this information that can help people, I need do my best to share it. It’s not some obscure theory. It’s simple advice that I use in my own life and business. It’s practical information that works. I’m not saying it’s going to work for everybody, nothing works that way, but it works. If you follow the plan, it works. 
That’s what the book is about. The predictable path to success and achievement so you can do it too. You can look at it like a recipe. If you follow the directions, you’ll see results. 
It’s a book that could change your life, but that’s up to you. Whatever you decide, I’ll be rooting for you!


Be the Lion - Paper Back

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